From our farm to your barn,
we have all of the supplies
you need for your poultry.
Rogier Poultry Supplies
About Us
Welcome to our farm and supply business. We are so glad you stopped by to check us out! Whether you exhibit poultry or have a backyard flock, we are here for you!
From our farm to your barn, we have all the supplies you need for your poultry!
By name, we are Tim, Kim, Katlyn, and Andrew Rogier. We also have two more daughters, but you rarely see them at our supply shows. They care for our poultry and waterfowl at home while we travel to shows.
For the last 30 years, the Rogier Family has proudly owned and operated a 4th generation farm currently consisting of cattle, grain, and our beloved poultry. For 20 years, we also had a large farrow to finish hog operation. Our farm produces corn, soybeans, and wheat. We are in southern Illinois, just 30 minutes from St. Louis and the Mississippi River.
Our generational farm has always had many chickens flocking around the barnyard. In 1982, Tim's grandparents expanded their egg business, providing our local businesses with fresh eggs. That business downsized in 1993 for health reasons but continued on a smaller scale. Through the years, our kids have shown our backyard chickens at our local fair, including 4H. Katlyn and Tim are superintendents for our county 4H poultry program and local fair. In 2017, exhibition chickens and waterfowl were welcomed by Katlyn and Andrew to our farm. In 2018, they attended their first national show competing with other junior exhibitors.
In 2021, along with our dedicated poultry friends, we brought back the ILMO Poultry Show located in Highland, IL. Tim is on the board of directors, and Katlyn is President. With a lot of hard work and trusting exhibitors, our show was a success. Mark the second weekend in September on your calendar, and join us! You are guaranteed to have a good time.
Over the years, our cattle and poultry supply business has grown and moved online and traveling to poultry shows. We have spent countless hours researching our products to provide for you and your farm, and most of our products have been used directly on our farm. We pride ourselves on supplying your farm with quality products at affordable prices. With our experience, we are diverse in our knowledge and understanding of large fowl, bantams, game birds, waterfowl, turkeys, and of course, our cattle!
The poultry community has embraced us, and we will be forever grateful to each and every one of you! At the shows, you will usually meet Tim, Kim, and Andrew. Sometimes we are lucky enough for Katlyn to tag along. Katlyn keeps our online store updated, ships out our orders, and researches new products. Whether you call or text, order online with our form, email, or message us on Facebook, you will usually be talking to her. Tim and Andrew keep the warehouse in order, including inventory, and load the trailer for shows. Kim does a little of everything but really enjoys meeting new and old friends at shows!
Like on our farm, we work together to ensure you have all the supplies you need for your barn! We continually add new products, so let us know if we can help you find anything. At the present moment, we are not an online click-and-order store. We enjoy talking to our customers, so feel free to use our order form or give us a quick text or call!
We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have with your bird, big or small. A farm never stops, so we are open 7 days a week!
Again, thank you for all of your support. Good luck at all of your future shows, and safe travels!